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Kong Chow Benevolent Association of Southern California offers Achievement Awards to the sons and daughters of its members who are graduating from Elementary School, Middle (Junior High) School and High School between January 2024 and June 2024.

To be qualified for consideration, at least one parent (not grandparents) of the applicants must meet the following criteria with Kong Chow Benevolent Association of Southern California:

Have consecutive membership for the past two years, 2022 and 2023, with membership fees paid by the due date, March 31st, of each year respectively, and currently a member in good standing, with current membership fee paid by the due day, March 31st, 2024.  The awards are as follows:

Elementary School Graduates

Will be awarded $100

Middle (Junior High) School Graduates

Will be awarded $100

High School Graduates

Will be awarded $100

However, applicants will not be awarded both a $100 Scholastic Achievement Award and a $500 College Scholarship concurrently. 


Required Documentation


1).  A completed Achievement Awards  Application Form.

2).  Elementary and Junior High School students must provide documentation of graduating or completion.

3).  High School students must provide photocopy of graduating diploma and transcript of their academic scholastic record (copy of downloaded record from school website is acceptable).

The Kong Chow Benevolent Association’s Academic Scholarship Committee will award qualified applicants based on their academic achievements.

All applications with the required documents must be sent to the following address and postmarked on or before July 20th, 2024:


Academic Scholarship Committee

The San Gabriel Valley Academy
Attn: Curtis Jang / Scholarship
P.O. Box 15
South Pasadena, CA 91031




       Kong Chow Benevolent Association of Southern California will award seven (7) $500.00 scholarships to the sons and daughters of its members.  The scholarships are for college students studying for a Bachelor's degree, a Master's degree or a Doctorate's degree.   All applicants must be full time students and have completed a year of study consisting of three quarters or two semesters, taking a minimum of 12 credited units of course studies per quarter/semester and earned a 3.00 grade point average or higher. Recipients who had received a Kong Chow scholarship last year are eligible to apply again in alternate year. **All awards are given according to their achievements and a written essay. Minimum GPA does not guarantee an award.


Also, high achieving high school graduates entering college may be considered for the award with proof of their matriculation and scholastic records.  Applicant must be enrolled in school full time at an accredited college or university in order to qualify for the scholarship award.  After all verifications have been completed, the award will be presented to the applicant.

To be qualified for consideration, at least one parent (not grandparents) of the applicants must meet the following criteria with Kong Chow Benevolent Association of Southern California:

1). Have consecutive membership for the past two years, 2022 and 2023, with membership fees paid by the due date, March 31st, of the each year respectively, and

2). Currently a member in good standing, with current membership fee paid by the due day, March 31st, 2024.


Required Documentation


High School Graduates who are entering college or college students must provide the following documents with their Kong Chow Benevolent Association Academic Scholarship Application:

1).  A completed Scholarship Application Form.

2).  Photocopy of High School Diploma and Grade Transcript of Scholastic Record; or Photocopy of    College Transcript of Scholastic Record (copy of downloaded record from school website is acceptable).

3).  Photocopy of 2024 Fall Quarter/Semester Letter of Admission for high school graduates entering college/university; or proof of readmission to college/university for college students who are reentering college/university.

4).  Records of Community and Extracurricular Activities


     The Kong Chow Benevolent Association’s Scholarship Committee will award the Scholarship based primarily on the Applicant’s Scholastic Achievement. 

      Additional consideration will be given for Worthy Community and Extracurricular Activities. 

     All decisions of the Committee for the awards are final.  Successful recipients are requested to be present to accept awards.

      All applications with the required documents must be sent to the following address and postmarked on or before July 20th, 2024:


     Academic Scholarship Committee

     The San Gabriel Valley Academy
     Attn: Curtis Jang / Scholarship
     P.O. Box 15
     South Pasadena, CA 91031


岡州會館按章每年舉辦之小學、初中及高中畢業獎勵金、及大學獎學金由現在起正式接受申請以鼓勵其勤奮向學,請在岡州會館之網頁的鏈接下載申請表格, 或 PDF 格式。







小學畢業生將獲得 $ 100

初中畢業生將獲得 $ 100

高中畢業生將獲得 $ 100


注意:高中畢業生申請者不會同時獲得 $100 美元的學業獎勵金, $500 美元的大學獎學金。



1.      一份完整的獎勵金或獎學金申請表格。

2.   中小學生必須提供畢業或結業證明。

3.   高中學生必須提供畢業證書的複印件和學業成績單的複印件(可以從學校網站下載記錄的副本)。


申請 $500 獎學金者,須呈遞下列文件:

4.   2024年秋季學期入學證明書複印;或重新進入大學的入學證明

5.   社區服務和課外活動的記錄










Academic Scholarship Committee

The San Gabriel Valley Academy
Attn: Curtis Jang / Scholarship
P.O. Box 15
South Pasadena, CA 91031

The President of the San Francisco Kong Chow Benevolent Association, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cheung, paid a visit to our chapter on March 17, 2024.